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Ainsley's Angels of America: An Organization with a Vision of an Inclusive Future

What Is Ainsley’s Angels?

Ainsley’s Angels of America is an impact-focused organization whose mission is to ensure everyone can experience endurance events and build awareness about the special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. The organization advocates, educates, and participates as active members in local communities and believes everyone deserves to be included. The organization has locations all across the U.S. in 33 states and more than 70 cities, one of those states being our home in Colorado.

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Ainsley’s Angels in Colorado Springs

Ainsley’s Angels in Colorado Springs is a group of athletes and volunteers serving as local Ambassadors for Ainsley’s Angels of America. In addition to ensuring all can experience endurance events, its aim is to build awareness about the special needs community. Ainsley Angel Teams are comprised of Athlete Riders and Athlete Runners. The Athlete Runner lends their legs and Ainsley’s Angels of Colorado Springs lends equipment allowing the Athlete Rider to participate in events they may not otherwise be able to. These events occur all across the U.S. from Denver to Baton Rouge to Washington D.C. On race day, Angel Team members, including the Angel Runner, Angel Rider, and the Angel Rider’s family, friends, and loved ones are introduced to one another. Before the start of the race, Angel Riders and Angel Runners line up at the starting line, anticipation and excitement palpable in the air. Then in those final moments leading up to the finish line, it is realized that a difference has been made and a step has been taken toward creating a more inclusive world. Joined by passion for the mission, Ainsley’s Angels of Colorado Springs believes that local support will inspire global actions. They act local and think global. For highlights from past events and information about upcoming events, visit the Ainsley’s Angels in Colorado Facebook page.

Where Did It All Begin?

Ainsley, daughter of Kim and Lori Rossiter, was born in 2003. She was later diagnosed with Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD), a rare inherited neurological disorder. Due to the progressive nature of the disorder, death usually occurs between 5-10 years of age. In 2008, Ainsley went on her first jog at a local road race, and her reaction was a priceless, radiant smile. It was this defining moment that the family discovered that running provided a therapeutic outlet to cope with the devastation associated with Ainsley’s disorder which would eventually lead to her passing away eight years later. During her life, Ainsley completed 100 road races, including nearly 20 half-marathons and four Marine Corp Marathons in the nation’s Capitol

Ainsley's Angels of America: An Organization with a Vision of an Inclusive Future
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How Can You Join the Ainsley’s Angels Family?

You can join the Ainsley’s Angels Family by becoming an Angel Rider, Angel Runner, or Guardian Angel. An Angel Rider is an athlete that “rolls with the wind” in life and in endurance events, an Angel Runner, the athlete who has the honor of running with the Angel Riders in life and in endurance events, and the Guardian Angels, “the glue” and those who ensure that everything runs smoothly on race day. If you can’t join the Ainsley’s Angels Family, there are alternative ways you can contribute to the organization. For instance, you can support Ainsley’s Angels in Colorado Springs by making a donation. To find out more and never miss an upcoming event, like the Ainsley’s Angels in Colorado Facebook page.


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